Smaller Businesses and Authentic Brands are Making an Impact on the Millennial Shopper

20th March, 2019

Looking to start-up a food business? Now is the time. According to research think tank Mckinsey, the millennial generation is four times more likely to avoid buying from large corporate brands. The present trends in advertising (social media, influencers), shopping (subscription services, focus on convenience) and feedback from consumers offer up a range of opportunities for smaller brands to make an impact.

Millennials and Generation Z are now savvy to the marketing ploys of larger brands, who are trying even harder to grasp on to the next big consumer market. The new shoppers are looking to connect with more authentic brands- something which only a start-up with a story can truly offer. Food with a conscience, a purpose and the right social media influencers can help give start-ups the platform they need.

Some larger brands have already started to adapt to the new consumer way of thinking, giants such as Amazon and ASOS have recently developed their own subscription box-type services, which then make a feature of smaller brands, offering them out to the wider audience. The big retailers want to differentiate themselves from the negative corporate outlook but investing in smaller, unknown brands to show the next generation of shoppers that they’re socially savvy and worthy of the millennial pound.

Whatever size your business, ensuring you have the right coding and labelling solution to meet government and retailers criteria is crucial. Download one of our handy coding guides online today, or get in touch with an expert on or 01159 640144.