Things you probably didn't know about ICE coders

3rd October, 2012
  1. An ICE coder is able to print any Windows font at almost any size.
  2. Dates and times can be scrambled or encrypted to allow full traceability of manufacturing information.
  3. ICE coders are capable of directly controlling other devices via commands hidden with the “CIFF” files used to print information.
  4. All ICE coders are capable of emulating other machines including Zebra desktop printers.
  5. All ICE printers can be accessed via the Internet!
  6. ICE printers are supplied with language files for over 50 countries and regions. Additional language files can easily be added.
  7. All ICE printers have network connectivity as standard.
  8. All ICE printers can be “cloned” using a USB memory device to allow critical information to be re-instated quickly and easily.
Investing in your Production Line: Why choose ICE Products?
ICE Zodiac HS ICE Coders qualities

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